PA-DEP Publishes Lab Supervisor Training Module
PA-DEP published a training module online for those seeking to take the Laboratory Supervisor Certification exam for wastewater and drinking water treatment plants. The training module only includes highlights of the “need to know” portions of the supervisor criteria specified in PA Chapter 252 for Laboratory Accreditation, but serves as a good guideline for exam preparation. Readers are encouraged to review regulations when preparing to take the exam, which are now being offered with other water and wastewater certification exams through approved exam providers.
The EPWPCOA (Eastern Pennsylvania Water Pollution Control Operators Assn) is offering a course to prepare for this exam titled “Lab Supervisor Boot Camp” on Thursday, September 11th. The course will offer 5 CE credits, and instructors include Suburban Testing Labs’ Directors Sara Stump and Rich Stump. Click here for the announcement and to sign up.
You can find the training module on the PA DEP Training Module Website, under Module 31 – PA Lab Supervisor Highlights for DW and WW Laboratories.