Happy #GeekPrideDay!
May 25th marks the day Geeks celebrate all things Geek worldwide.
#GeekPrideDay is officially 10 years old in the U.S., and is celebrated annually on May 25th. Gone are the days when being called a Geek was known as an insult. Today, we celebrate all things Geek!
The Geek was born in the 1950’s and has evolved from pocket protectors and comic books only to Academic Geek, Tech Geek, Pop Culture Geek, and much more. Check out this Infographic on the Evolution of the Geek.
Are you confused as to which class of Geek you fall? We found this great Infographic to help you decide.
And don’t you dare call a Geek a Nerd! One or the other is likely to be offended.
The date was chosen to coincide the release of the first Star Wars Film, Episode IV: A New Hope. This weekend also marks the release of the film Solo: A Star Wars Story (but we didn’t have to tell you that now, did we).
May 25th also marks “Towel Day,” which celebrates Douglas Adams’ acclaimed geek novel The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Fans carry a towel in his honor recognizing his death in 2001.
So call your fellow Geek friends and get together to Geek-out!