1st YouTube Tutorial for Revised Total Coliform Rule
New Video on Suburban Academy helps you complete PADEP Form.
The Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) takes effect 4/1/2016 and PADEP has published a new webpage dedicated to delivering important forms, information, and instructions to public water suppliers to prepare for the impending deadline.
PADEP published a You Tube tutorial on Form 1 for Non-community systems to help the PWSs complete the site plans. Suburban Academy has made this video available on our website.
The Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) requires all public water systems to complete a sample siting plan by April 1, 2016. This web tutorial explains each part of the sample siting plan template for a transient noncommunity water system. An example business is used to demonstrate proper completion of the form.
The team at Suburban Testing Labs is already preparing to assist their clients with regulatory compliance and will be rolling-out assistance in the coming weeks.
In the meantime, stay informed with PADEP’s communications. Check out DEP’s website, the You Tube Tutorial, and expect your team at Suburban Testing Labs to continue to advise you on updates.