
Wastewater Testing Pennsylvania

Wastewater treatment plants are responsible for handling wastewater responsibly and effectively, and many industries call on our services to keep them compliant with regulations. For expertly handled wastewater testing in Pennsylvania, we recommend working with one of the preeminent environmental testing labs founded in 1963.

Wastewater Testing Pennsylvania

Suburban Testing Labs is a nationally accredited environmental testing lab responsible for several analysis services. We focus on providing detailed reports, testing, and onsite sampling support for drinking water, wastewater, groundwater, soil, solids, and chemical materials. Our 25,000 square foot full-service laboratory is stocked with cutting edge equipment, allowing us to perform precision analysis, providing defensible results for your needs.

Wastewater can be some of the most harmful environmental hazards known to nature. Contaminated by any number of possibilities, wastewater poses a risk to both public health as well as our watersheds through exposure to various threats, including:

  • Bacteria
  • Excessive nutrients
  • Heavy metals
  • Harmful chemicals

What Do Our Wastewater Testing Services Provide?

Considering the gravity of importance held with any wastewater analysis project, having data-driven facts in hand to guide your workflow is invaluable. Every report we deliver must instill confidence in our clients, as the information contained within informs every aspect of their project and organization. To that end, we provide every means of accessibility to your teams for fast, accurate report updates and account updates.

Suburban Testing Labs offers Online Report Access, an electronic system that allows your Project Manager and other authorized users to examine ongoing report progress, previous reports, and extended communication lines with our project managers. We hold ourselves accountable for our work, providing specialized reports designed with your needs, expectations, and regulatory guidelines in mind. With a lab supported by NELAP accreditation, our wastewater analysis services include:

  • Handling Industrial Pretreatment Programs
  • Process Control Testing
  • Sludge Testing
  • Biosolids Testing
  • Sample Collection
  • Sample Transport
  • Sample Storage
  • And more.

Every aspect of our workflow is designed to cater to your organization, from what analysis services are needed to offering excellent customer support for your team.

Receiving Your Reports

You need your reports quickly. As soon as they’re done, having them on your desk is a top priority for us, which is why we offer a few options for obtaining your data after analysis has been completed. As we mentioned earlier, our Online Report Access system gives you front-row insight into report status, coupled with an automatic mailing system and live progress updates.

Other report delivery methods include Electronic Data Deliverables (EDD) and QC Data Packages. EDD automatically ships a copy of the results to your authorized inboxes, including a final report and invoice which can be decided at your leisure without our Project Manager. QC Data Packages contain the full volume of data contained in our reports, containing all relevant information associated with your analysis.

A fast turnaround period and unimpeachable results are two of the prime reasons our clients chose Suburban Testing Labs for wastewater testing in Pennsylvania. If you’re interested in partnering with us, call us at 610-375-TEST or visit our contact page for more information.