
Groundwater Quality Analysis

Responsible for the drinking water of approximately 51% of the total U.S. population, 64% of the water used to irrigate food crops, and a source of recharge for lakes, rivers, and wetlands, groundwater is one of our most important natural resources.  This means that reliable groundwater quality analysis is crucial for making important decisions.

Groundwater Quality Analysis

Suburban Testing Labs understands your need for defensible data. We perform analysis on groundwater for spray fields, landfills, contaminated sites, investigations, and monitoring programs you may need, providing fast turnaround times and Online Report Access, where you can view the progress of your report as results become available

Headquartered in Reading, Pennsylvania, we have delivered high-quality service to a variety of industries throughout Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey for more than 57 years. We offer a full suite of services for a variety of environmental testing services, including:

  • Ground Water Analysis
  • Drinking Water Analysis
  • Landfill Environmental Compliance
  • Public Swimming Pools and Bathing Beaches
  • Site Remediation Testing
  • Waste Disposal Testing
  • Wastewater Analysis
  • Underground Storage Tank Analysis

We are accredited by the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP), which is based on ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standards and are committed to providing defensible data at a competitive price with first-class customer service.

How We Work with You

No project can be completed smoothly without full cooperation and communication between all involved parties. Providing groundwater quality analysis is no different, and we design our procedures to meet your goals and expectations. We incorporate as much knowledge about your project as possible into our testing processes in order to deliver a comprehensive final report.

Starting with a dedicated Project Manager, we work with you to arrange flexible scheduling, sampling events, report delivery, and more. Your Project Manager will handle all of your account or project-related needs and ensure that you receive the best customer experience possible from our laboratory.

Sample Collection

The first step is getting your samples to our environmental testing laboratory. Suburban Testing Labs proudly offers sample pick-up and collection services for groundwater and surface water system clients. containers.  Our project managers will ensure you receive sampling kits containing all necessary supplies and sampling instructions, and work with you every step of the way to ensure your project is a success.

Our Field Sciences team boasts cutting edge technology and equipment to do the sampling for you according to EPA requirements, and then properly transport your samples to our in-house laboratory for analysis.

In addition, we are also capable of performing high-quality analysis in the field when your project requires it, measuring groundwater tables for:

  • pH
  • Chlorine
  • Dissolved oxygen
  • Conductivity
  • Flow rate
  • Temperature
  • And more.
Reliable Data and Reporting

Our facility boasts state-of-the-art technologies, systems, and resources dedicated to providing in-depth results on any and all samples received. We can create custom Electronic Data Deliverables (EDDs) to meet your needs.  We can also create reliable data reporting packages to our clients that are clear, easy to understand, and contain all relevant information about your sample analysis.

Suburban Testing Labs offers comprehensive and affordable groundwater quality analysis. If you are interested in partnering with us, call us at 610-375-TEST or visit our contact page for more information.