October 12, 2022, Harrisburg, PA – The Environmental Quality Board approved PADEP’s Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) regulation proposal for two harmful PFAS compounds in drinking water: PFOA and PFOS. The regulation, which will update 25 Pa Code Chapter 109, also sets proposed monitoring and sampling requirements for public water suppliers.
- The final MCL for PFOA is proposed at 14 ppt and the MCLG (MCL Goal) at 8 ppt.
- The final MCL for PFOS is proposed at 18 ppt and the MCLG (MCL Goal) at 14 ppt.
- The current EPA recommended health protection level is 70 ppt.
Pennsylvania’s PFAS Action Team began working in 2018 to identify and eliminate sources of PFAS in drinking water, our environment, and recommend actions to address current gaps to protect public health. The first action was to introduce drinking water standards that would be added to Chapter 109, the commonwealth’s regulation governing safe drinking water.
The proposed MCL was published in February for public comment, and PADEP addressed the expressed concerns. PA’s final MCL’s are within range of other states that have already adopted limits for these two compounds.
After the EQB made changes to the proposed rule based on these comments, the rulemaking can now move forward for legislative approval, and is expected early 2023.
Watch our LATEST VIDEO to learn more about PFAS testing in our laboratory here.
Testing for PFAS

UCMR5 PFAS analysis requires the analysis to be performed by a solid-phase extraction (SPE) on the sample, followed by analysis using Liquid Chromatography with tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS-MS).
Analysis occurs at our headquarters without needing to ship samples to an out-of-state facility. Knowing your samples are handled at our lab without the possibility of shipping delays gives our clients peace of mind.
Accredited laboratories performing PFAS analysis in the mid-Atlantic USA are extremely rare. Contact us today for information on how we can help you.
Helpful Links
- USEPA’s UCMR5 webpage
- Suburban Testing Labs PFAS Education Video
- USEPA’s UCMR5 Fact Sheet
- Sales Information