NEW Online Video Tutorials
Our clients are on-the-go, and getting valuable information has to be easy. We are proud to introduce our new Online Video Tutorials for SuburbanClientConnect, sharing knowledge and best practices in short, easy to view videos on youtube. These videos can be accessed anywhere from any device and can illustrate helpful tidbits on navigating our easy-to-use online report access system.
Our library will be getting bigger each week, and each video is only 4-6 minutes long. Some topics covered include:
- how to create your own EDD’s
- how to view results before your report is complete
- research sampling and holding time information
- find reporting and method detection limits for our methods and analytes
To view our Online Video Tutorials, click here.
If videos are not for you, check out the SuburbanClientConnect User Guide on our website, or call 1-800-433-6595 to speak with a member of our team that can assist you.
To access your data online, click here.