

Soil Analysis for Assessments & Remediation

The Industrial Sites Reuse Program (ISRP), a program from the PA Department of Community & Economic Development, provides grants and low-interest loans for environmental assessments and remediation.  According to the Department, this program is designed to “foster the cleanup of environmental contamination at industrial sites, thereby bringing blighted land into productive reuse. This program covers Phase II and III Environmental Assessments, including the analysis of groundwater, surface water, and soil samples.

In the August 10, 2017 PA-DEP Newsletter, it was announced that the Coatesville Gateway Project broke ground as part of a $23 Million Dollar project to create new mixed-use development and associated parking in the borough.  This project will clean up a contaminated site, and return it to the community for beneficial use.

Do you have clients that could benefit from this funding?  Check out the ISRP webpage for details and eligibility requirements.

At Suburban Testing Labs, we provide high quality data in support of land redevelopment lab testing needs.  We can help you with your soil, groundwater and surface water analysis, plus:

Don’t put the trust of your next big project in the hands of a partner you can’t trust.  Contact us today to get a comprehensive price quote, and information about us.